TaxonPages at the Species File Group

All aspects of this document may evolve until it’s initial “release” at which time we’ll use Semantic Versioning to indicate changes.

Why this document?

This document is here to help to communicate the relationship between Species File Group (SFG) collaborations pertaining to their production-instances of TaxonPages. This document pertains only to the instances of TaxonPages that the SFG maintains. It does not relate to any other collaboration, planned or existing, nor does it relate to other TaxonPage based projects hosted elsewhere. This is not a legal document.

TaxonPage websites in production at Species File Group

### History

The SFG originated as an effort to digitize catalogs of Orthoptera taxonomy. As the software used to do so matured it became of use to others. This ultimately lead to a small proliferation of collaborations resulting in around 20 websites, each treating different taxa. For numerous of these sites the SFG used (and continues to use) significant resources to curate and maintain the underlying data and supporting software. As the SFG evolved a decision was made to split Species Files software into two platforms, data are managed in TaxonWorks, behind private projects, and served to the public via TaxonPages. As of August 2023 this transition was completed, and there are ~15 Species Files now being served via TaxonPages on SFG servers.

Memorandum of understanding

This document

TaxonPages at the SFG

Collaborators with TaxonPages at SFG

Content on TaxonPages at SFG

Questions and feedback

Questions, concerns, and suggestions for improvement to this document, and any of the work the SFG participates in, can be added to this repository via TaxonPage’s Issue tracker. Private concerns can be addressed to Deborah Paul, Matt Yoder or Ed DeWalt.


The SFG hosts my TaxonWorks project, can they host my TaxonPages as well?

Contact us. Please note that at present we are not looking to host other TaxonPage websites however this may change and would like to hear from you if this would be of use to you and your project.

Does the SFG charge for use TaxonPages?


Will the SFG ever charge for their work managing TaxonPage sites, or offer a service to host those sites.

Of the many things we do without charging this is one category of work that is the most likely to change. We anticipate working towards this concept on our around January 2025.

If the SFG charges for it’s support in hosting and managing TaxonPages will I have an option to migrate elsewhere?

Yes. We built TaxonPages so that you can already do this, for example on Github Pages, see instructions at the TaxonPages home. We built TaxonPages to give agency to those wanting to manage their own worlds.