Describe TaxonWorks (data model)

08 Feb 2022 - Matt Yoder

In the past month or two we’ve been working on addressing some long outstanding requests to document the data model behind TaxonWorks. We’re happy to announce that work is “done”, and available at

Some highlights include:

  • An overview discussion with background and a bigger picture perspective.
  • Table definitions and entity-relationship (ER) visualizations for all models.
  • Links between documentation types (e.g. clickable nodes), that connect resources making them easily navigable.
  • Uses code to generate table, ER diagrams, and links throughout by inspecting the application itself. This ensures that the documentation remains in-sync with code.

We’ve also outlined the various audiences that might find this documentation useful, we hope you find yourself there.

Feedback is of course welcome. A reminder that there are weekly opportunities to talk about all things TaxonWorks, including a dedicated ‘Technical’ session that is a perfect opportunity to ask more about this new documentation. See our events page.

Happy grokking!
