SFG Community Norms

Last updated 2025-1-5.


This is not a legal document. It is a living and evolving set of ideas that we hope strengthens our collective impact when engaged through participation. It will certainly change. Your participation might involve joining community meetings and events, using TaxonWorks software, using Species File Group powered applications such as our Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), using our TaxonPages software, and publishing data to or using data downloaded from SFG-related projects. Your engagement with these norms as part of your individual and community standards-of-practice contributes to building an ethical, thriving, and evolving community. The intent is to support recognition of expertise, facilitating credit and attribution for work done, to intentionally focus digital efforts towards meeting the needs of life (and not vice-versa), to manage expectations, to provide transparency, and to minimize the distance between biodiversity data and scientific outcome.


In koan spirit


Deborah Paul wrote a first draft. Matt Yoder refactored that. SFG has collectively improved it since then.

There are many communities providing documents like this, here are some that inspired this effort and that we drew from, from scientific realms and beyond:

We are happy to add to this list, let us know.